City of Poughkeepsie Wants You To Clean Up Your Yard on Wednesdays
Have you started to clean up your yard after the long winter? Where did all these leaves and branches come from over the winter? How is it possible that this can all be in your yard? As you think about how these things ended up in your yard, you might get your ward spruced up a bit for the Spring & Summer seasons to come. Think about all of the ways you are going to use your yard this year.
The City of Poughkeepsie will be picking up yard debris for Spring 2021. One of the things not postponed by the pandemic was the need for you to take care of your yard. The City of Poughkeepsie's Department of Public Works recognizes this and will be collecting your yard refuse/debris every Wednesday.
This program will run for the next couple of weeks. Leaves do need to be placed in bags or cans at this time. No plastic bags will be accepted. In addition to the bagged leaves, the Department of Public Works will also be picking up small branches. What is defined as a small branch? They are branches that are no thicker than three inches in diameter and that have been cut into three foot sections.
The goal with this yard clean-up pick-up? They are hoping that this will help you to get your storm drains near your property cleaned up and free of winter debris (and trash). The clean storm drains will help with overall drainage on your street, which is a win for you and your neighbors.
The City of Poughkeepsie asks that (at this time) you do not bring the lawn debris to the transfer station as they are not taking it at this time. For more information, click here.