You know that you have to pay your bills. You need to make sure that every month you have enough to pay for your electric bill, right? But what happens when you look at your bill and you see a number that you think is 1000% unbelievable? 

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What happens when the utility company makes a mistake with your bill?

Let's just say when I saw this amount on my monthly electric bill, I was the one who just thought I was seeing things. Yikes. How is this possible? Where are my glasses?

How is it possible that the electric company bills you the wrong amount? How can they do this?

When I saw that I now owed Central Hudson Gas & Electric, $17,271 I was flabbergasted. I participate in the budget billing program, so the amount that I pay every month is the same. To my understanding they take a look at what the bills have been before, then average that out to come up with an amount I pay each month, I do this for 11 months, then the 12 month, either I have a positive balance and don't have to pay anything or I pay the balance of what I owe.

What type of error leads to such a significantly large electric bill? This has got to be a joke?

As I spoke with someone from Central Hudson, who said that they couldn't see that I actually owe that. This bill of $17,271 they believe is an error or issue that has been left from the switch over to a new computer/billing/software system that took place in September of 2021.

So what do I do now about this huge electric bill?

Well, after I stopped laughing because there is no way that I can even contemplate how they can justify charging me this amount, I don't think my electric bill if you add them up for the last 8 years will total this month. I did reach out to Central Hudson, and noted that there was a HUGE issue with their system. I will just wait and see because this is totally wrong.

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