It was just a few months ago that the conversion to cashless tolling on every Hudson Valley, NY bridge was completed. Now there's a new announcement that could greatly affect even more Hudson Valley commuters: New York's (and the world's) busiest bridge is going cashless on Sunday.

The last shift of Mid-Hudson Bridge toll collectors on February 28th, 2022. (NYS Bridge Authority)
The last shift of Mid-Hudson Bridge toll collectors on February 28th, 2022. (NYS Bridge Authority)

Cashless Bridge Tolls in the Hudson Valley, NY

We have not been strangers to cashless tolling conversions in the Hudson Valley. Most recently, the tollbooth removal was completed at the Mid-Hudson Bridge in March of 2022. This marked the last Hudson Valley bridge to go cashless, and it left many wondering what would happen to the employees who used to work there everyday. You can learn about the new paths offered to the former toll collectors here... options that may also be offered to bridge employees a little further south on the Hudson River.

Chris Christie's Bridgegate Trial Set To Begin
Getty Images

Cashless Tolling at the George Washington Bridge

An alert was texted to current E-ZPass customers over July 4th weekend; starting Sunday, July 10th, the George Washington Bridge is going cashless. It's just one cashless conversion project in a massive overhaul of many routes between New York and New Jersey, including the Lincoln Tunnel and the Holland Tunnel, but it could be considered the flagship transformation, as the George Washington Bridge is the busiest bridge in not only New York State, but the entire world.

Cashless Tolling at the Mid-Hudson Bridge (Jonah)
Cashless Tolling at the Mid-Hudson Bridge (Jonah)

Changes to Your Commute with Cashless Tolling in NY

If you've experienced the change to cashless tolling in the Hudson Valley, then none of the updates to the George Washington Bridge should come as a surprise. E-ZPass holders will notice no differences, as they will continue to drive through the tolling area without stopping as their pass is scanned. Non-E-ZPass holders will have their license plate scanned instead, and will receive a toll in the mail at the address where their vehicle is registered. As always, getting E-ZPass is encouraged, and discounts are offered to E-ZPass holders.

George Washington Bridge (Dave Frieder)
George Washington Bridge (Dave Frieder)

New York Bridges from Above

Want to see some awesome angles of the George Washington Bridge, as well as other famous New York bridges like the Verrazano and the Bear Mountain Bridge? Check out the amazing shots from Dave Frieder from ON TOP of some of the coolest landmarks in the country below.

Stunning Photos Taken Hundreds of Feet Above the Hudson

Photographer Dave Frieder has captured images from the top of the Mid-Hudson, Bear Mountain, Verrazzano, Brooklyn, and George Washington Bridges, among others.

5 Things You Didn't Know About Mid-Hudson Bridge

You drive across it often, but what do you know about the Mid-Hudson Bridge? Test your knowledge.

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