Double check your wallet ASAP.

I'm not sure if I have ever had a $2 bill in my wallet, but I will be checking as soon as I have a free moment. Many people don't carry cash on them and we really have become an all digital world when it comes to purchasing things. However, this can be an incentive to carry cash on you, it was recently announced that some $2 bills could be worth way more.

How to tell if the $2 bill in your wallet is worth more?

I don't want to confuse anyone here, but it does look like the serial number has a lot to do with it. The bills with lower serial numbers have been selling for a ton of money. According to the U.S. Currency Auctions, there's a chart that's been developed that will help you determine if your $2 bill is worth more. Again, I'll be checking my wallet as soon I can.

I do want to add a little disclaimer to this....NOT EVERY $2 BILL IS WORTH MORE. Like anything, people take things to the extreme. According to officials, they have reportedly been getting a ton of phone calls (as you can imagine not pleasant ones) of people claiming that they have one of the rare bills. Hey, we wish this was the case and that'd we'd all be rich living on an island somewhere.

Double check your wallet and bills when you have a chance and if you do have a special $2 bill send us a picture of it on the station app. Also, send us some coffee money it would be greatly appreciated.

If you have one of those lucky bills, you could purchase this empty location and bring it back to life:

What Remained of Brown's Hotel (COPY)

Take an eerie peak into what the former Brown's Hotel looked like a few years after the tragic fire.


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