10 Facts About March & What Brandi’s Looking Forward To?
Is there a month that you actually look forward to? For me it is March. Maybe because it is a long month, there are 31 days in the month or possibly because I love to share info about the change back to Daylight Savings Time (March 14th btw you lose an hour), but maybe it is because of hope.
Hope you say? Yep hope. I start to see the green or at least what will become green once again from the remnants of snow that are melting away. Hope that warmer temperatures and longer days will soon be upon us.
Hope that I will finally get the garage cleaned out and the garden started earlier this year than last. Hope that this pandemic will end and we can all be surrounded by friends and loved ones in backyard bar-b-ques, outdoor weddings and other celebrations that we have during the spring and summer.
There are a few more things about March, complied with the help of Readers Digest, and Almanac.com:
- March has 31 days
- The Spring Equinox is March 21
- March is also Maple Sugaring Season. FYI in our area there are many great places to get local maple syrup.
- March can come in like a lion and leave like a lamb, or it will come in like a lamb and leave like a lion. Which one will we get this year?
- March has the beloved holiday to many St Patrick's Day, March 17
- The flower for the month is the daffodil, you will start to see them and krocus also popping up out of the ground, but the end of the month.
- There are two zodiac signs in March, Pisces (the fish) which wraps up on March 20 and Aries which starts on the 21st.
- If you were born in the month of March your birthstone is Aquamarine.
- The full moon, March 28th is called the Worm Moon
- March is also known as Women's History Month.
Hudson Valley Maple Syrup Facts