This Friday is a Double Superstition Day
As if it isn't bad enough with all the talk about the Corona Virus later this week we will have to deal with 2 other lesser events but still serious for those of us who are superstitious.
It just so happens that this Friday, March 13th according to the National Days Calendar is also National Open an Umbrella Inside Day. That's right on Friday the 13th we are being asked to open an umbrella inside which is a big no, no for us superstitious types.
March 13th was deemed National Open an Umbrella Inside Day by Thomas Edward Knibb of Frederick , MD simply to resolve once and for all if the superstitious is actually authentic. According to National Days the sole purpose of the day is to have people open an umbrella indoors and then note if they experience any bad luck.
The idea of an umbrella opened inside as being bad luck has been a superstition for a long time. Some think it dates back to the ancient Egyptians. So if you are brave enough to play along on Friday all you need to do is open an umbrella indoors and see what happens. And remember it might not be the umbrella it could be the date and day.
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