Why so serious? It was another night of anarchy, as the NY Post says that park goers partied well past curfew into the early hours of the morning. Police say a 38-year-old man was assaulted by another man early Sunday morning in Washington Square Park. It was the get-up the alleged attacker was wearing that's got some people talking.

The Post says that a man dressed as The Joker attacked another man before running off into the night. Some witnesses told the Post that the makeup wearing villain is a regular at the park, and has been known to cause trouble before. Guess the Bat Signal was broken that particular night? The reason for the alleged attack is unknown, and no arrests have been made at this point. Anyone see a man with green hair, a white face, and purple jacket?

Amid COVID, protests, and civil unrest, it has been a chaotic year in New York City. Some sometimes a familiar face can show up when you least expected it. Last year, a person dressed as Spider-Man was spotted climbing the Manhattan Bridge as protesters marched through the streets. Most cheered on "Spidey", though a few people on social media took him to task for his supposed support of looters and rioters in the area.

Through the years, Times Square has become the spot for costumed performers to put on their acts, and sometimes hustle tourists for cash. Some can get a bit aggressive and scary. In 2016, a battle of galactic proportions broke out as two performers, one dressed as Chewbacca and another as an Imperial Stormtrooper, were reportedly arrested in a Star Wars-themed panhandling showdown.

But times are tough even for these many colorful street performers. Some reports indicate that long time Times Square staple (some may say nuisance) the Naked Cowboy was forced to take his act to Florida to make a better living. Say it ain't so?

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