Phone Books Are Still a Thing in the Hudson Valley?
When is the last time you've seen one?
Home phones, paper printing, slow internet, and phone books all seem to be things of the past. There is nothing wrong with them, but with technology it just doesn't seem like there is much use for them anymore. Maybe I'm wrong...
The other day I was getting my mail and when I opened my mailbox I noticed there was no room in it and a large book was pushed inside. It took me a minute to realize what it was, but to my shock, I realized it was a phone book. I hate to date myself, but I haven't seen a phone book in at least 15 years.
I started to open it and noticed that there were listings for many businesses in Dutchess County, makes sense. When I started to look at the cover, I noticed there were a couple options that were pretty interesting, here's a visual of it.
Can You Order One?
Right on the bottom it said "to order directories, call 1-844-339-6334". This will help get you a paper copy of what you need.
How To Stop Getting One.
If you think it's taking up too much room in your mailbox you can cancel at it at I might use the option, I already get enough mail.
Quick Search
If online is the best option for you, you can go on and search the phone numbers you need quickly and easily.
I know I did not sign up for one, but who knows maybe they will make a comeback and become popular again.
Since we were speaking of books and things we don't see very often, here's more: