So Your Grandma Wants Some Help With Her Dating Profile
So, you just got a stun. Your Grandma just asked you to help her with her Tinder, Match, It's Just Lunch, etc, dating profile. After your shock wears off, what do you do? Close your eyes and run from the room?
My first thought is, "Get her password, so you can pre-scan all the creep-o's" but since she is legitimately asking for help, take what you know from your own time on the apps and help her.
- How do her photos look? Is she actually in the photo or is her head cut off? Is she smiling? Does the photo look like her? Or is it a photo of her from 10 or 15 years ago? You might now what it's like to meet someone in person, who looks zero like the profile pics.
- Does she have too much personal information on her profile? Yes, she is 'getting back out there' but is there info in the profile enough that someone can track her down and try to scam her? 'Come on, this is your Grandma, you got to the be the one to show her the way.
- Ask Grandma about her 'goals' for this experience? Does she want to find someone to eventually move in with and split expenses? Or is she just looking for someone to go to the movies with or our to dinner? Maybe take a trip with?
- Is she active? She will want to make sure to include this in her profile. There are guys who just want to chill and not do anything. On the other hand, there are women who also just don't want to do things, like ride bikes, or go rock climbing. She might want to mention that in her profile.
- If it is okay with her, look at some other profiles? Is there something that you see that you just don't like? Keep that in mind when helping her craft her profile. Also, check the profile for grammar and spelling.
After Grandma has been on the site for a few days, check back in with her. Ask her how she is doing? Is she getting responses? Are there some aggressive people responding? If there is no one responding, check her settings and make sure she didn't delete everything from her setup.
Most importantly, does Grandma know how to block people? That could possibly be one of the best and most helpful things to make sure she knows. Also, does she know how to report someone to the app if they are becoming rude and nasty?
Also, all of the above could be used to help Grandpa, just saying!