Earlier this week, a friend of mine sent me a video from his backyard security camera and asked if I could help him identify what he caught on camera. At first I thought, "come on, this has to be a bear" but the more I looked at the video and thought about it the more I questioned what I was looking at.

What Was Spotted in Marlboro, NY?

In situations like these, my first thought always goes to Bigfoot. However, it very clearly is not bipedal. Take a look at the photo below and see for yourself:

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I don't know what it is about security cameras, but they always make everything look 10x creepier. I digress.

Obviously, it's some sort of animal. But could it be a bear? It looks a little too small and isn't bears hibernating. The Department of Environmental Conservation writes that bears can "remain dormant for up to 5 months in winter." Could the warmer Hudson Valley weather be pushing black bears out of hibernation early?

Bears, Dogs, Goats!? Oh, My!

I have so many questions. But then the creature moves and throws my brain for a loop.

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That looks like a thick Doberman! I honestly said out loud "that's a Doberman with a bear body." Could it be a combination of the two!? Listen, stranger things have happened!

The idea of a possible goat crossed my mind. In August of 2022, a goat was found running amok in Rockland County. Maybe an Ulster County farm lost track of one of their own?

It very well could be a dog, it's a popular neighborhood, and very possible that a dog could have gotten out of its yard. But I don't know, those eyes just look different:


At the end of the day, I'm sure it's nothing mystical or paranormal and maybe I'm being dramatic, but it does make you think...what else could be lurking around the Hudson Valley?

31 Reported Bigfoot Sightings in The Hudson Valley Since 1962

A list of sightings dates back to 1962 with a reported sighting in Maybrook, NY where they nicknamed the Bigfoot "Turkey Monster."

A Peek Inside The Abandoned Camp La Guardia in Chester, NY

Photographer Emma Ferriter and creator of Decaying Hudson Valley shared photos with us of the inside of the abandoned Camp LaGuardia in Chester. There have been reports of preserving the former women's prison and homeless shelter in the near future.

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

Three Places With the Most Bigfoot Sightings in New York State

The top three places with the largest concentration of Bigfoot sightings in the State of New York.

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