A popular restaurant from the Hudson Valley is in the running to be named the best burger in New York State and you can help!

On Friday, the New York State Beef Council announced the top 10 burgers made in New York State for 2023.

A restaurant that makes the "best burger" in the Hudson Valley is once again in the running for the best burger in New York State.

Port Jervis, New York Restaurant In Running For New York States' Best Burger

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Ben's Fresh Makes Top 10 For The Third Year In A Row

On Friday, the owner of Ben's Fresh in Port Jervis reached out to Hudson Valley Post to let us know its "Benny Burger" is once again in the running to be named New York State's best burger.

For the third straight year, Ben's Fresh has reached the New York Beef Council's top 10.

Ben's Fresh

"As many of you probably already guessed, we made the top 10 for a 3rd year in row !!! Now it’s gonna get serious!! Tomorrow voting will begin for 7 days to determine the final 4 who will compete in a burger cook off in Syracuse !!! We will post daily updates and reminders to vote !! If we make the final four again, it will be up to us to bring that BEST BURGER title home !!! For now it’s up to you !!!!

How To Vote For Best Burger In New York Start

The New York State Beef Council will determine the final four by an online vote. You can vote for your favorite burger for the rest of the week.

CLICK HERE to vote. Or scan the code below:

New York Beef Council
New York Beef Council

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Once the final four is announced the four restaurants will compete in a burger cook-off in Syruase to determine New York States' best burger.

23 Delicious New York State Burger Challenges

Have you ever wanted to compete in a food eating challenge or competition? You should consider taking on one of these 23 burger challenges.

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Did You Know? Over 100 Fun Facts About the Hudson Valley

Did you know that Lucille Ball made her stage debut in the Hudson Valley? How about Philadelphia Cream Cheese wasn't invented in Philadelphia, but in Orange County? Or that a mansion in Dutchess County inspired the expression "keeping up with the Joneses?" Find out about those and over 100 other fun facts about the Hudson Valley. 

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