5 Tips From Central Hudson to Keep Cool During Heat Advisory
There is another heat advisory for the Mid-Hudson Valley today and here are a few things that you might want to do to keep cool and to keep from using an excessive amount of energy as well.
From CentralHudson.com, here are things you can do to reduce your energy load (aka save money) during a Heat Advisory:
Setting thermostats on air conditioners to 78 degrees and higher during times when the home is not occupied, and considering the use of fans to keep cool.
Turning off lights and appliances when not in use, and unplugging electronic devices, such as televisions, entertainment systems and computers, that continue to draw power even when off.
Using large appliances such as dishwashers and clothes dryers during the evening hours, when overall energy use is less;
Closing doors, windows, curtains, shades and blinds during the day to seal out the heat and block sunlight when temperatures are at their highest; and
Keeping refrigerator and freezer doors closed as long as possible, and limiting the time they are opened.

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