4 Weird Pictures Taken in Hudson Valley This Week
Sometimes I love what I see while driving around the Hudson Valley.
As we get ready to close out another summer week here in the Hudson Valley I thought the best way to end it is to show off some of the weird things that I, and some of my friends have captured on our phones in the seven days or so.
I think starting this week, I'm going to try something a little bit different. Every week starting this week I'm going to do my best to try and capture all the weirdness that is the Hudson Valley through pictures and every Friday we will show off best pictures for you to share with everyone.
So if you find yourself witnessing something weird while driving around the Valley, or see something that you think would work well in our weekly picture galley, grab the best picture you can and send it in to me either through the Wolf app or email me anytime at CJ@HUDSONVALLEYCOUNTRY.COM.
If you send a picture pretty please include your name, and where you took the picture so we can include that each week, and if you feel like trying to explain the shot, please do that as well. If you can't explain it, we will do our best to...LOL!
Let's get it started off with four pictures that say quite a bit about the state of some folks right in our back yards. We have a little weird and a little gorgeous, which I think is the best way to describe US! Have a great weekend.