A new law signed by President Biden is putting a Dutchess County initiative in the national spotlight.

On Saturday, 18 different bills were signed by the president. While the majority of them were just political time wasters like renaming post offices or making official designations and proclamations, there were a few useful bills that were signed into law. One of them allows veterans to access the TSA Precheck program for free, and another was born right here in the Hudson Valley.

Dutchess County Program Becomes Law

Last week, Josh Riley was sworn in as the representative of New York's 19th District after defeating Marc Molinaro in a hotly contested election. Before leaving his seat, the former Dutchess County Executive was able to leave his mark on Congress by having his final bill signed into law.

Dutchess County Government
Dutchess County Government

Dutchess County Think DIFFERENTLY Goes Nationwide

Molinaro's “Think Differently Database Act” requires the Department of Health and Human Services to create a website featuring resources tailored to individuals with disabilities and their families. Information on medicaid services, health care, mental health care, and other critical supports will all be included in the database where localized services can be easily searched.

It may be Molinaro's last bill to get passed, but it's the first one he introduced after being elected as a representative of New York's 19th District. The former congressman and county executive raised a special needs daughter, which inspired him to launch the Dutchess County "ThinkDIFFERENTLY" initiative in 2015. The slogan, which is still used today, is a blanket for all sorts of programs and events with the mission of "changing the way individuals, businesses, organizations and communities relate to our neighbors with all abilities."

Molinaro says that his hope is that the new Think Differently Database Law will make life "easier for individuals with disabilities and those who love them". The former congressman's statement about the legislation ended with a tease about a possible political comeback, promising that "There will be more to come, I assure you."

New Laws That Start In 2024 In New York State

This year was a very busy year for the New York State government. Overall 682 bills were introduced passed by the legislative and signed by Gov. Kathy Hochul this year.

Gallery Credit: Dave Fields


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